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Beans of Trasimeno

In the first century AD. C. was first cultivated by the Etruscans and then by the Romans. Thanks to the indefatigable commercial activity of the Etruscan civilization, the Fagiolina del Trasimeno (scientifically called Vigna Unguiculata), has spread to Etruria and therefore also throughout the basin of Lake Trasimeno, finding in the humid soils and in the particular climate of this place the conditions ideal for obtaining an excellent quality product. Furthermore, in recent decades, the Faculty of Agriculture of Perugia has carried out an important genetic research and has favored the diffusion in the lake area of ​​this simple but rich in history legume.
There are no treatments, weeding is done by hand.
Collection and post collection
The bean ripens between the end of July and the beginning of October. Ripe pods are harvested by hand every 3 to 4 days. It is then left to dry in the sun for a few days and threshed; subsequently it is cleaned by hand with sieves.
Store in a cool dry place. It does not require soaking.
Pour the bean into a saucepan with cold water and cook for about 50 minutes. Add the salt 10 minutes before draining it. Season with ground pepper and Umbrian extra virgin olive oil (excellent with Dolce Agogia monocultivar).